David Olivant
Opening speech given by Dr. Andreas Steffens
at our first exhibition with David Olivant (CADENZA | Pastel Drawings on Paper | 2007): http://musenblaetter.de/artikel.php?aid=1332
David Olivant – Foreword to the catalogue (german)
Essay of David Cohen, NY/USA (PDF)
Translation: Susanne Buckesfeld, Martina Janzen
Review by Mark Van Proyen on squarecylinder.com
Homepage of David Olivant
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Exhibitions of the
JANZEN Gallery
Art Karlsruhe05. - 08.03.2015
HYBRID DREAMS07.09. - 01.10.2014
ART KARLSRUHE05. - 08.03.2009
ART KARLSRUHE28.02. - 02.03.2008
Cadenza28.10. - 24.11.2007
Professor of Art at California State University Stanislaus/USA since 1995
born on 3rd May 1958 in Watford, England
living and working in Turlock, California
09/81 - 07/84
M.A. Painting. Royal College of Art, London/GB
09/76 - 07/77
B.A. Art. Falmouth School of Art, England/GB
09/89 - 04/90
British Council travel award, Stockholm/Sweden
11/86 - 06/88
Commonwealth Scholarship, Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi/India
09/84 - 07/85
Cheltenham Fellowship, England/GB
Solo Exhibitions
09/14 - 10/14
»HYBRID DREAMS», JANZEN Gallery, Duesseldorf, Germany
02/11 - 03/11
»Narrative Drift», First Street Gallery, Humboldt State University, CA/USA
02/10 - 05/10
»Studio Leitmotifs», Robert V Fullerton Museum, California State University, San Bernardino/USA
09/08 - 10/08
»Cadenza«, University art Gallery California State University Stanislaus/USA
10/07 - 11/07
JANZEN Galerie, Wuppertal/Germany
03/07 - 04/07
»Those Images That Yet…«,
Truckee Meadows Junior College, Reno/USA
09/01 - 10/01
»Towards the Door We Never Opened«,
University Art Gallery, California State University Stanislaus/USA
04/99 - 06/99
»World Not World«,
Fresno Art Museum, California/USA
11/96 - 12/96
University Art Gallery, California State University Stanislaus/USA
12/95 - 01/96
Art Heritage Gallery, New Delhi/India
12/93 - 02/94
»Watercolors from the Aspen Series«,
Stephen Solovy Fine Art, Chicago/USA
06/92 - 08/92
Stephen Solovy Fine Art, Chicago/USA
03/91 - 04/91
Stephen Solovy Fine Art, Chicago/USA
02/90 - 04/90
Center for International Contemporary Art,
New York/USA
Art Heritage Gallery, New Delhi/India
Selected Group Exhibitions
08/12 - 12/12
CSU Stanislaus Art Department faculty exhibition, Carnegie Art Center, Turlock CA
02/10 - 03/10
California State University Stanislaus Faculty Exchange Exhibition, First Street Gallery, Humboldt State University/USA
Int. art fair »ART KARLSRUHE«,
(represented by JANZEN Galerie, Wuppertal)
09/02 - 10/02
»Art Department Faculty: Valley View«,
University Art Gallery, California State University Stanislaus/USA
11/97 - 02/99
»Last Dreams of the Millennium«,
Art Museum, University of Hawaii, Honolulu;
Tyler Museum of Art, Tyler/USA;
California State University, Fullerton/USA;
California State University, Stanislaus/USA
02/97 - 03/97
»Two From Britain«,
California State Polytechnic, Pomona Art Gallery/USA
01/95 - 04/95
Archer M. Huntington Art Gallery, University of Texas, Austin/USA
11/92 - 02/93
Haggerty Art Museum, Marquette University, Milwaukee/USA
04/90 - 06/90
French Institute, Stockholm/Sweden
Work in Public Collections
Robert V Fullerton Museum, California State University, San Bernardino/USA
Archer M. Huntington Art Gallery, University of Texas, Austin/USA
Art Institute of Chicago/USA
British Council, London/GB
Haggerty Museum of Art, Marquette University, Milwaukee/USA
Alan Artner,»Two Sets of Drawings from Olivant, Both of them Strong and Ambitious«,
Chicago Tribune, April 5, 1991
Krishna Chaitanya, »Olivant’s Images of Chaos«,
The Hindustan Times, Feb 2, 1987
Cathy Curtis, »Valentine from England«,
The Los Angeles Times, Feb 10, 1998
Shanto Datta, »From Exixtence to Entropy«,
The Pioneer, Jan 18, 1996
Ken Johnson, »David Olivant at CICA«,
Art in America, Oct 1990
Kay Larson, »True Brit«,
New York, March 12, 1990
P. Mago, »David’s Chaotic Sea of Marks«,
The Patriot, Feb 7, 1987
Nava Semel, »The Voyage from the Figure to Abstract«,
Studio Art Magazine, May 1990
Leo Stutzin, »A Seeker’s Art at Stan State«,
Modesto Bee, Dec 8, 1996
Leo Stutzin, »British Artists Find Appreciation«,
Modesto Bee, Nov 20, 1997
Daniella Walsh, »Romantic Visions for Modern Times«,
Orange County Register, March 1, 1998
Curatorial Experience
1999 - 2000
»Last Dreams of the Millennium«, Group exhibition of contemporary British art in the collection of the Stephen Solovy Foundation. CSU Stanislaus, CSU Fullerton, Tyler Museum of Art, Texas, Art Museum of Hawaii, Honolulu
Catalog Essays
»Ambadas«, Published by CSU Stanislaus 1998
»Last Dreams of the Millennium«, Published by Stephen Solovy Art Foundation 1999
»Ranbir Kaleka: Ironist of the Imagination.«, Published by Bose Pacia Gallery, New York, 2005
»Sophie Chardonnet«, Published by Art Vietnam Gallery 2006
»Life Games«, Published by CSU Stanislaus 2008
»Gordon Senior: Tools of Unknown Use and Other Works«, Published by Humboldt State University 2008
Reviews of other Artists
»Multiplying the Variations: David Olivant on Robin Hill«, artcritical.com 2006
»Standing On Earth: David Olivant on Gordon Senior«, artcritical.com 2006
»Eleanor Wood- mixed Media on Paper: David Olivant on Eleanor Wood«, artcritical.com 2007
»David Olivant on Takashi Murakami at the Geffen«, artcritical.com 2008
»Joan Moment @ Limn and JayJay«, squarecylinder.com 2009
»Picking up the Pieces” David Olivant on Julie Heffernan, artcritical.com 2010